Once upon a time, there was a huge beautiful palace over ninemountains, seven rivers and two parks.
King with his Queen and their little princess Bella lived there. I am thatprincess, shelter Bella, hope that you got that.
But, now seriously. Not every lifetime story begins like a fairytale. My story has begun few years ago. I don´t really remember the begining I was a little baby then. I just started to walk and I was placed to dog shelter instead of loving family. Hopefully not for a long time. Therewas Mrs. and Mr. who were looking for a friend who would bringfulfilment to their lives and they took me to their home. I was so happy that they chose me and I was part of loving family. I have two catsiblings who raised me up from the first moment they saw me. But theyaccepted me with love. I am so happy for that even we do mess aroundsometimes.
After few days in a new home, when I thought that I am safe startedfight for life. Suddenly this big monster appeared named Parvoviróza. I have to mention for those who don´t know this monster, that not many puppies win this fight. The doctors had been real help. Together we had beaten this monster. I had malady from this fight, some troubles withaccepting nourishment , but all the troubles has gone now, I cope with itwith big help of my new family. And now I can proudly say that I amyoung happy doggie Miss who is enjoying her carefree life and all shethinks of are her walks, food, rest and doggie friends. And I have thembunch.
My Mrs. is passionate photographer and I´m model for her. I like to takea pose. We have lots of beautiful photos, that´s why I do have IG site to give access to people so they can view my photos. That´s why thisamazing project was created because many of you liked my photos and I found bunch of new friends.
And what kind of project? 2 cookies s.r.o. Two cookies from Czech Republic who love beautiful and mostly practical things.
Past are the times when dog was most of the time outside and its place was in a doghouse in the garden or in front of the house and that dog was guarding the house. Nowdays we have a dog as a friend its part offamily. We want to be close to them as much as we can, that´s why wehave created fashion for doggies and their masters and mistresses.
Our brand bebe.doggie makes clothes for yours pets and also for youtheir masters and mistresses. We create clothes from high qualitymaterials and modern colors. They can do on walks, woods, mountainswhich is great and I won´t hear "NO" anymore, we have to go home to get change... "NO" mum, now you don´t have to!
And why cookies? That´s very simple. My name is Bella but they call meBebe (Bibi), that´s my nickname. But our IF buddies in my nicknamesaw "Good morning"* and that´s why they called us cookies. And wegot in love with this name so for our new project we use this name. It´sabout us, but it´s for you.
Now there suppose to be ringing bell and the fairytale should finish. There will be no end of this fairytale bacause you create if this fairytalewill continue and we wnat to thank you for that. That´s why I always say"it won´t work without you."
*there is an advert in Czech Republic to cookies called BEBE and theysay there something like "Good morning, take a BEBE."